Tantangan Klub Berani Baking untuk Januari-Februari 2011 adalah: cream brulee.
Bikin cream brulee ini sudah jadi obsesiku sejak menonton film My Best Friend's Wedding yang dibintangi oleh Julia Roberts, Delmot Mulroney dan Cameron Diaz. Alasannya di film itu cream brulee digambarkan sebagai fancy dessert, perlambang seorang wanita yang manis dan sempurna (yaitu Kimberly Wallace, wanita yang dicintai Michael O'Neal). Berikut kutipan dialognya.
Julianne: Well, he's sort of wondering why you haven't told your parents that the wedding's off.
Kimmy: Well, I'm still hoping for a miracle, I suppose. I mean, how could he think that my father and I would do such a thing?
Julianne: Only a minor insight, you understand. Maybe Michael couldn't commit to this marriage so he created a delusion, produced an unconscious, psychosomatic manifestation of... I'm better with food. Okay, you're Michael, you're in a fancy french restaurant, you order... creme brulee for dessert, it's beautiful, it's sweet, it's irritatingly perfect. Suddenly, Michael realises he doesn't want creme brulee, he wants something else.
Kimmy: What does he want?
Julianne: Jello.
Kimmy: Jello?! Why does he want jello?
Julianne: Because he's comfortable with jello, jello makes him... comfortable. I realise, compared to creme brulee it's... jello, but maybe that's what he needs.
Kimmy: I could be jello.
Julianne: No! Creme brulee can never be jello, you could never be jello.
Kimmy: I have to be jello.
Julianne: You're never gonna be jello. Now you have to come clean with your parents, because if you're waiting for that "Do you take this man" part, it's considered poor form.
Kimmy: Well, I'm still hoping for a miracle, I suppose. I mean, how could he think that my father and I would do such a thing?
Julianne: Only a minor insight, you understand. Maybe Michael couldn't commit to this marriage so he created a delusion, produced an unconscious, psychosomatic manifestation of... I'm better with food. Okay, you're Michael, you're in a fancy french restaurant, you order... creme brulee for dessert, it's beautiful, it's sweet, it's irritatingly perfect. Suddenly, Michael realises he doesn't want creme brulee, he wants something else.
Kimmy: What does he want?
Julianne: Jello.
Kimmy: Jello?! Why does he want jello?
Julianne: Because he's comfortable with jello, jello makes him... comfortable. I realise, compared to creme brulee it's... jello, but maybe that's what he needs.
Kimmy: I could be jello.
Julianne: No! Creme brulee can never be jello, you could never be jello.
Kimmy: I have to be jello.
Julianne: You're never gonna be jello. Now you have to come clean with your parents, because if you're waiting for that "Do you take this man" part, it's considered poor form.
Resep aslinya Akang Jamie Oliver dirombak sana sini menyesuaikan ketersediaan bahan. Hasilnya cream brulee yang tidak terlalu manis, berpadu dengan aneka berry yang manis-manis asem, dan lapisan karamel yang tipis, manis dan krenyes. Strawberry-blueberry-blackberry serasi sekali dengan tektur krim yang halus, cuman red currant yang kecil dan memiliki biji tidak kusukai (next trial aku akan skip). Penggunaan krim half and half (separuh susu separuh krim) sepertinya harus dipertahankan karena ketika aku ganti dengan 100% krim, cream bruleenya menjadi terlalu kental seperti bubur oatmeal. Lalu penggantian vanilla pod dengan vanilla ground juga kurang sukses, karena warna dessertnya menjadi terlalu coklat, tidak kuning bersih -- meskipun tidak mempengaruhi rasa. Daripada diganti dengan vanilla ground mending pakai vanilla extract saja.
Untukku cream brulee hasil modif ini enak, manisnya pas, lembut dan gurih. Naomi juga suka, cuman dia nggak doyan base buah berries-nya. Karena ini resep modif, untuk yang ingin mencoba aku ingatkan: please try it at your own risk. Kalo tidak cocok dengan selera dilarang protes ya.
Resep asli dan modif bisa dibaca di bawah. (st)
:: Recipe by Shirley -- inspired by Jamie Oliver ::
200 gram Mixed berries (strawberry, blueberry, blackberry, red currant)
22 gram Gula pasir + 3 sdm air matang
5 gram Ground vanilla (vanilla yang sudah digiling sehingga mirip bubuk teh)
400 ml Krim kental (aku pake Roselle)
5 buah Kuning telur
60 gram Gula pasir
Cara Membuat:
1) Panaskan oven dengan suhu 140 °C
2) Cincang kasar buah berries. Susun di atas wajan datar, beri gula pasir dan air matang. Panaskan dengan api kecil hingga lembek.
3) Bagi menjadi 4 bagian, tata di dasar ramekin. Sisihkan.
4) Kocok kuning telur dan gula dengan whisker hingga ringan dan mengembang.
5) Panaskan krim kental dan ground vanilla dengan api kecil. Setelah muncul gelembung pertama, masukkan adonan kuning telur. Terus aduk2 supaya tidak membutir. Setelah mendidih, matikan api.
6) Tuang adonan ke dalam ramekin, di atas campuran berry.
7) Panggang secara au bain marie: isi loyang dengan air setinggi sepertiga tinggi ramekin, letakkan ramekin di atasnya. Waktu panggang tergantung bentuk dan volume ramekin, berkisar dari 25 menit sampai 1 jam (cream brulee-ku matang dalam waktu 45 menit). Ciri sudah matang: permukaan custard sudah "set" dan tidak goyang2 lagi.
8) Dinginkan di suhu ruangan lalu masukkan kulkas sampai saat siap dihidangkan.
9) Taburi bagian atasnya dengan gula pasir agak banyak (rata tapi tidak terlalu tebal), jadikan karamel dengan cara menyorot dengan api dari blowtorch. Bagian atas cream brulee akan berubah warna menjadi coklat.
10) Siap dinikmati. Cukup untuk 4 porsi.
- Resep asli dari Jamie Oliver bisa dilihat di bawah.
Creme Brulee
Source: Jamie Oliver: The Naked Chef 2
Serves 6
300g fresh rhubarb
3 Tbs caster sugar
2 vanilla pods
300ml double cream
200ml full fat milk
8 egg yolks
80g sugar
Preheat the oven to 140C/275F/Gas 1. Roughly slice up the rhubarb and place it in a pan with the caster sugar and 5 tablespoons of water. Simmer until tender, divide between 6 small serving dishes which your brulee will be cooked in, then set aside.
Score the vanilla pods lengthwise and run the knife up the pod to remove the vanilla seeds. Scrape these into the pan with the pods, cream and milk and slowly bring to the boil. Meanwhile beat together the yolks and the sugar in a bowl until light and fluffy. When the cream and milk are just boiling, remove the vanilla pods and add little by little to the egg mixture, whisking continuously. I like to remove any bubbles or froth from the mixture before dividing it into the serving dishes, on top of the rhubarb. Stand these in an appropriately sized roasting tray filled with water half way up the containers, and bake in the pre-heated oven for around 25 minutes until the custard mixture has set but is still slightly wobbly in the centre.
Allow to cool to room temperature then place in the fridge until ready to serve. Sprinkle with sugar and caramelize under a very hot grill or using a kitchen blowtorch. Lovely.
Paiton, 31 Januari 2011
Ramekinnya lutju sekali....
ReplyDeleteKarena ini resep modif, untuk yang ingin mencoba aku ingatkan: please try it at your own risk. Kalo tidak cocok dengan selera dilarang protes ya. -> hahahaha...masih trauma diprotes pembaca, Bu?
ReplyDeleteMemang masalah selera nggak bisa gebyah uyah ya...enak kita belum tentu enak dia, sebaliknya enak dia bisa jadi mimpi buruk buat lidah kita :D
Sukses terus, Sista !
@ Mbak Nilam, lucu tapi isinya dikit hehehe.
ReplyDelete@ Hanna: iyaaaaaaa. Jadi nggak bisa tidur, hehehehe.